San Francisco Civil Litigation Lawyer

Civil Litigation

Civil litigation is one field of law that can quickly become very expensive if you do not do your homework before you hire the right attorney. Although civil litigation is time consumptive, an experienced San Francisco civil lawyer can save you many hours of research and preparation.

What Can A Civil Attorney Do for Me?

Attorney James Braden is well-versed in employment, contract, personal injury, and commercial law. There are few San Francisco civil litigation attorneys, who also are experienced in civil appeals. The fact is that your San Francisco civil lawyer can only see the big picture if he, or she also works on appeals.

This is because all of the issues that are raised on appeal must be preserved in the lower trial court. There are very few pure questions of law, such as jurisdiction, that can be raised for the first time on appeal.

San Francisco civil litigation attorneys who have both trial and appeal court experience are, therefore, better at conceptualizing the case and strategizing. They know what claims will hold up the best on appeal and how to preserve them for appeal in the courts below.
Attorney James Braden, for example, may preserve a question of law over whether the mixed-motive theory is the proper test for an employment discrimination claim.

Although it is not appropriate in retaliation cases, it is often the correct standard for the original claims. This means that the lawsuit can be filed even if the employer has an alternative excuse for why the employee was singled out, fired, laid off, reprimanded, etc.

A San Francisco civil attorney who understands the nuances of the law and what issues are important on appeal can better prepare your case. Moreover, such an experienced civil litigation attorney will be able to work on your case in a more cost-efficient manner.

Contact a San Francisco Civil Litigation Lawyer at The Law Office of James M. Braden for legal representation today. Let our experience help you.